Sambodhi Prem

Sambodhi Prem


'Sambodhi Prem

I'm a musician and meditator.

I was born in the Netherlands near the dunes of 'de Kennemerduinen' and the roar of the North Sea, in the city of Haarlem where the river 'Het Spaarne' lazily meanders through the center and where the cathedral bells sprinkle their sound across the rooftops.

I'm a disciple of the enlightened mystic Osho, I've been into meditation since the early eighties. In 2010 I started my Ashtanga Yoga practice.

Since the early nineties I live downunder (Dja Dja Wurung country, Australia) with my partner Sandipa, who creates beautiful paintings.



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Spotify playlist

What I'm listening to this year.


Glenlyon, Victoria, Australia
The road through Glenlyon, Victoria, Australia - Autumn Gold.